Jor-El Zajatz, MA, LPC
Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.
Alan Watts
As a helping professional...
I collaborate with people stuck in patterns that block connection and intimacy. In our sessions, we use mindful awareness to make slight shifts that make a big difference.
My approach is a unique blend of Eastern philosophy and mindfulness skills with Western psychology and neuroscience. As a result you be able to see into others and be seen.
As a Therapist...
...we will look at the structure of what you have built in your relationships and make conscious shifts to the expectations/agreements in order to cultivate relationships based in safety and security at all times.
Sessions will be challenging in order to assess our ability to maintain being in relationship under stress while still being authentic and collaborative. We learn how to orient to a culture of “we” through using two-person thinking to see the unique biosphere we are connected to and not separate from. This will allow you to begin co-creating relationships that are fair, based in mutuality, and sustainable.
One-on-one sessions meant to explore our personal history to inform a fulfilling vision of safety and security moving forward. Available for in-person, virtual, or outside of the office in a milieu setting. Individual work is client centered and goal-oriented.
$180/hrSessions between two people wanting to improve their communication, intimacy, and/or conflict resolution. Available for in-person, virtual, or outside of the office in a milieu setting. Dyadic work is relationship centered and works toward secure functioning. Longer instensives (2+ hours) available.
$200/hrAvailable to three or more individuals who want to work on their ability to balance self and other in the context of a group. Open or private groups available and am able to work with non-monogamous partners, family, friends, or professional relationships.
*Telehealth must be while physically located in Oregon.
**OHP (CareOregon/Trillium) Insurance accepted.
Schedule a Free Consultation
As a Consultant...
...I provide expertise in the form of recommendations or creative interventions to challenges your facing in your clinical work. WHen consulting, we will use a variety of creative means for exploring additional perspectives. Consultation is typically a one-time or short-term process focused on addressing a specific issue.
As a Supervisor...
...I offer oversight and support for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Associates, ensuring that you meet professional standards and ethical guidelines on the path towards licensure in Oregon. Supervision requires regular meetings where clinical work is presented for feedback and guidance. Based upon your unique learning style, I provide techniques and interventions that align with your therapeutic stance. Supervision is an ongoing process focused on supporting and guiding work over an extended period.
Offering clinical supervision to new counseling professionals. Our time will be crafted to seamlessly continue your professional development post graduate school. A hierarchical relationship with LPC Associates working toward licensure in Oregon. Regular meetings scheduled to review clinical casework and provide professional development and support.
$150/hrThrough focusing on the challenges in your clinical work, our time will provide mentorship and guidance and promote new perspectives to help find creative ways through stuck places in your clinical cases. We will utilize creative and embodied techniques to explore countertransference and internal biases.
$175/hrOpen in either a supervisory or consultant capacity. Time is spent working with participant provided case conceptualizations and highlighting common challenges while also providing techniques for overcoming clinical barriers. Emphasis will be on collective learning outcomes.
$75/hrSchedule a Free Consultation
As a Coach...
...we will work towards personal growth and fulfillment in the areas important to you. Our process will to identify strengths/challenges, clarify goals, and develop action plans to achieve these objectives. Our work will incorporate techniques and skills in areas such as mindfulness practices, relationship improvement, leadership skills, and embodied self-awareness.
Coaching is different from counseling or therapy, which are focused on addressing mental health issues or emotional distress and explore deeper personal content and history. Coaching is often a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client, with the coach serving as a supportive and objective resource to help the client achieve their goals.
One-on-one development with personal goals identified, unique strengths/challenges assessed, and a path toward these objectives are then outlined and followed with a high degree of accountability meant to meet these goals.
$150/hrCollaboration through dyadic work, we explore the relationship between the two individuals. We assess the strengths and common challenges in order to improve communication and interpersonal effectiveness. Patterns are then restructured to optimize cohesion and mutually beneficial outcomes.
$180/hrExploration of a coaching topic with common interest will be identified and then explored to great depth with three or more people. Techniques and methods of moving toward goals will be offered and practiced during the time. Emphasis will be on the collective learning outcomes.
$50/hrSchedule a Free Consultation
Pain is meant to wake us up… Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. Fritz Perls
The real meditation is how you live your life. Jon Kabat-Zinn
The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it. Thich Nhat Hanh
“What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favourite day,” said Pooh. A.A. Milne
I’ve taken an alternative path to my professional growth....
The first major juncture was doing a year of service with AmeriCorps NCCC. There I learned my enjoyment of being a helper to those in need. Afterward, I transitioned to working for Outward Bound being an experiential educator in the outdoors. The 12 years of experience showed me the importance of creating effective expeditionary relationships.
Eventually, I felt called to explore this new passion for working with others through getting my degree from Naropa University. Their approach to contemplative education taught me Buddhist philosophies and mindfulness. All of the aforementioned experiences have shaped me greatly and show through in every session.